Just released from the hospital from a flare but not sure what to do?! ⁠ ⁠

by | Aug 13, 2024

Let’s walk through these steps together!

Step 1) Immediately after release, following an all-fluid diet is key to allowing the digestive system to RELAX and HEAL! This meal has NO fiber. At least for a few days (for most).

Step 2) Time to add some soft foods, such as applesauce, and white carbs, such as bread and/or rice. No raw vegetables yet!

Step 3) Add some fiber!! This may mean adding cooked vegetables and soft fruits in addition to a supplement like psyllium powder or sunfiber. ⁠

Keep adding up the fiber until you get to your daily goal. ⁠

If you go up a step and have pain, slow down and return to the previous step until you eventually reach your fiber goal. ⁠

Now for the hard part. (Yes, I know the previous was hard but the next part is where most people fail.)

Step 4) STAY at your daily fiber goal to prevent a flare-up!

These are the steps!! That’s it!⁠

Struggling to be pain-free and looking for more support? DM me today with “SUPPORT” to schedule a free discovery call today to review your case and see how my 3-step gut restoration process can help you!

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