Feeling Abandoned with Digestive Issues? You’re Not Alone. If you’ve ever felt dismissed or neglected while searching for answers to your digestive issues, I hear you—and so do many others. I talk to hundreds of people a week and one of the most common things they...
I get excited and you would too! One of the biggest problems I notice is the fear of adding more foods to avoid pain, which I totally get but… removing foods to feel better is not what healing looks like. A healthy digestive system can deal with most if not all...
Truth is, the first day she came to me she had little to no hope. For over a DECADE, my client couldn’t enjoy coffee—or other foods like dairy and bread—because of severe acid reflux, bloating, and flare-ups. Because he was told by her primary care provider that she...
Most times no, especially if you’re not in the safety of your own home. If I were to ask you, how many times have you skipped on an outing or even a home cooked meal beucase of the gut pains and bathroom needs? How many times would you say in the last month? Not...