The client was told to follow a HIGH fiber diet after a flare. (Espanol en commentarios) ⁠ ⁠

by | Aug 14, 2024

Was this correct?⁠


After experiencing a flare, the first thing you’ll want to do is to take it easy for fiber. ⁠

The thing is a flare means your body needs help and a way to support this is through diet. ⁠

Following. a low-fiber diet after a flare is extremely beneficial to allow healing.

Adding fiber supplements is beneficial for most however the day to add the fiber is different for most. ⁠

it may be a few days or past a week. ⁠

Although there is A LOT of information out there about what diet to follow, I see that the steps I use work wonderfully for my clients! ⁠

1) Liquids⁠
2) Soft foods⁠
3) Add fiber supplement⁠
4) Add more fiber via foods⁠
5) Reach fiber goal⁠
6) STAY there⁠
7) Done! ⁠

Looking for more support to stop the stomach pain?⁠

DM me today “SUPPORT” to schedule a free discovery call to review how my 3-step gut restoration process would look for you! ⁠

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